Clinical Physiotherapy (formerly Clinical Pilates)
Our Clinical Physiotherapy program (formerly called Clinical Pilates) is primarily focused on the rehabilitation or prevention of injury and the correction of postural concerns & muscle imbalances. Each participant has an individually tailored, research-based program, provided by highly trained Physiotherapists. Sessions are a combination of clinically appropriate exercises and include exercises delivered on Clinical Pilates equipment including clinical reformers, trapeze table and thoracic barrel in addition to traditional exercises including resistance bands, fitball, wobble board and other Physiotherapy equipment. Clinical Physiotherapy classes are covered by most Private Health insurers.

Dance Medicine Australia (DMA)
Our approach to Clinical Physiotherapy is informed by Australia’s leading Clinical Pilates approach developed by Dance Medicine Australia (DMA). Our Physiotherapists undertake training with DMA and our Pilates studio is fitted with state of the art DMA Clinical Pilates equipment. This program ensures your Physiotherapist will individually tailor you a personal program based on your personal needs and goals. Each program is designed to find and fix the root cause of an injury or painful condition. These programs addressing individual functional stability issues are far superior to generic “core stability” exercises and pilates programs. DMA Clinical Physiotherapy sessions (including small group sessions) can be claimed through private health fund rebates (unlike Fitness Pilates classes).
Benefits of Clinical Physiotherapy
Whilst everyone can benefit from Clinical Physiotherapy sessions, it is the best option for:
- Management of Spinal Pain and Poor “Core” Stability and Control
- Management of Sports and Occupational Injuries
- Pregnant & Senior Clients
- Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Osteoarthritis and other arthritic conditions
- High Performance Athletes
- Clients wanting to improve their posture, physical wellbeing and balance

Conditions we Treat with Clinical Physiotherapy
- Muscular strains
- Ligament Sprains
- Joint dislocations
- Acute traumatic injury
- Fractures
- Pre or post surgical presentations
- Tendon tears or injury (tendinopathy)
- Throwing or racquet sport injuries
- Overuse injuries
- Spinal, hip, pelvic instability
- Shoulder instability
- Neck related sports injury
- Sports related disc injury
How to Start Clinical Physiotherapy

One-on-One & Two-on-One Sessions
Clinical Physiotherapy Classes
Our Clinical Physiotherapy classes are guaranteed one person per reformer / trapeze (maximum of 5 per class). We offer 3 levels of membership – Star Membership (attending one class per week), Superstar Membership (attending two classes per week) and Rockstar Membership (attending three classes per week). When you take up a membership, we will reserve a spot in the class each week, just for you!
Each class is 45-minutes in duration and is overseen by a Pilates trained Physiotherapist. Each person’s individual program is supervised and progressed as their strength, flexibility and posture improves to ensure that optimal and accelerated results are achieved.
It Is also possible to attend classes on a casual basis; however, as you do not have a guaranteed spot, this is not recommended for those wanting to attend regularly.