Dry Needle Acupuncture

Dry needling Acupuncture is a specialised treatment technique used at 4 Life Physiotherapy for the treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries and problems. It involves the insertion of fine single-use, sterile acupuncture needles into a muscle at the site of myofascial trigger points (also known as pressure points or knots), tendons, ligaments and fascia to improve or restore function.

Dry needling is based on Western medicine principles and involves the needling of specific anatomical structures to gain biological responses from different tissues. This is different to traditional Chinese Acupuncture, which utilised meridian energy pathways throughout the body. Dry needling acupuncture is increasingly being used by physiotherapists in the management of musculoskeletal and sports injuries.  

To book your dry needling acupuncture appointment, click here.

How Does it Work?

The insertion of fine acupuncture needles into specific body tissues alters the tissue physiology by:

  • Improving blood flow: this brings nutrients and oxygen to the site to stimulate healing and helps to flush pain-producing toxins out of the muscle.
  • Relaxing tight muscles and reducing muscle spasm: dry needling has an inhibitory effect on muscles. Muscle spasm is often the cause of pain and dysfunction in musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Release of neurochemicals: such as endorphins, serotonin and natural anti-inflammatory mediators which assist with pain relief and relaxation.
  • Stimulating the nervous system: to impact the brains perception of pain.

All of this helps with pain relief and improves tissue function and healing.

Common Conditions Helped by Dry Needling

Dr needling acupuncture is highly effective for treating a wide range of pain conditions.  It is particularly effective for treating tender points or knots through the middle back and neck region, along with many other conditions such as:
The physiotherapists at 4 Life Physiotherapy are trained in dry needle acupuncture and often use it in conjunction with other physiotherapy modalities as part of your overall treatment plan.

Dry Needle Acupuncture FAQ’s

Dry needling is a safe technique when performed by someone who is trained and qualified. The needles are all sterile, single use needles which are disposed of following your treatment. We NEVER sterilise needles for reuse.

There may occasionally be some normal minor side effects following dry needling, such as feeling tender or sore in the treated area following the session, feeling tired or sleepy and small bruises. 

Many patients are surprised by how painless dry needling is. When the needle is inserted you may feel a slight prick and you may have a brief muscle twitch response (where your muscle twitches/contracts quickly in response to the needle), but once the needles are inserted you generally cannot feel them or they may have a “heavy” or warm sensation.

After the treatment, you may experience discomfort in the area for up to 48 hours afterwards. This can be a normal response and is not a cause for concern. 

As with all treatment modalities at 4 Life Physiotherapy, your therapist will explain the procedure to you and ask for your informed consent before commencing dry needling. If you are not comfortable with this procedure let your therapist know and they can discuss other treatment options with you.

If you would like to find out more about dry needling or any other services provided here at 4 Life Physiotherapy please feel free to give us a call to discuss any questions you may have on 08 9583 5200.

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